RTT Union of Thompson Technique
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Die amerikanische Chiropraktik- Thompson Technique hat einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz (= holistic approach), das bedeutet nicht die einzelnen Symptome stehen im Vordergrund, sondern es wird jedes Mal der gesamte Körper behandelt – Bewegungsapparat und Nervensystem. Nur so kann langfristig eine Heilung von innen stattfinden.
Es ist nie zu früh und selten zu spät, sich vom Chiropraktiker untersuchen/behandeln zu lassen.
Wealth is much, contentment is more, health is everything.
(Asian proverb)
The American chiropractic Thompson Technique has a holistic approach, which means that not the individual symptoms are in the foreground, but the entire body is treated each time - musculoskeletal system and nervous system. Only in this way can a healing from within take place in the long term.
It is never too early and rarely too late to be examined/treated by a chiropractor.

Wir sind für Sie da
Personal Trainer & Bewegungstherapie
We are here for you
Manfred Reichart
Chiropractor, alternative practitioner
D.O Sport
My more than 30 years of professional experience as a healer/chiropractor on patients with a focus on the musculoskeletal system (bones, joints, spine, muscles, ligaments and tendons), I also used in many years of lecturing at home and abroad.
Christine Reichart
Chiropractic Assistant CA
Personal Trainer & Exercise Therapy
I have over 25 years of professional experience in movement and rehabilitation as well as prevention in all age groups and also with competitive athletes.